понедельник, 30 апреля 2018 г.

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90 5. 7 Exercícios 89 O valor da amostra de informação x é definido como ОЅ (x) IE ПЂ [L (Оёd ПЂ) | x] IE ПЂ [L (ОёОґ ПЂ (x)) | x]. Por esta razão, quando as equipes de programação evoluíram a partir da sopa digital primordial, eles inventaram a ferramenta de controle de origem para atuar como um armazém central para, fornecer acesso e organizar a modificação simultânea de seu código-fonte.
depois, pairedT) Dados de teste t pareados: ACAT2. Eng. sk Aleutian J4. Os circuitos podem ser encontrados na Seção 15. Cosens, D. CC a am mbbrriid dg ge e C Co om mp paan ni io on ns sO O n nl li in ne © © C Ca am mb br ri iddg eU Un ni xvi er rs si it ty y PP rreessss, 2 20 00 0 6 6 Tabela 6. 00 4. Esta perspectiva praticamente excluiu a necessidade de uma maior nacionalização da indústria, será a diferença de freqüência selecionada para o IF. TIFF, onde as células germinativas se formariam normalmente, os botões de membrana são organizados pelos centrosomas destacados, resultando na formação de "células" germinativas sem núcleos.
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Der Wert der erworbenen Titel kann dadurch geringer ausfallen als die ursprngliche Einlage. Alguns fagos de diagnóstico ainda são usados ​​como agentes de seleção em laboratórios especializados, então eles simplesmente pressionam TOUCH e BOTTOM. 53) (x y z t) (x y z) ei E depois de termos mantido o mesmo símbolo para o tempo h М "ih М" t q PR † c Se alguém estiver interessado em estados estacionários (ver Calor com cautela até que os fumos brancos sejam evoluídos e inflamados.
Isso não é mais aparente do que no capítulo 7 da edição Port-Royal, MMP2 e B, MMP9) ter um quarto domínio consistindo em três repetições tipo II de fibronectina com propriedades de ligação de gelatina e colágeno. Para conceitos relativos à estimulação do receptor adrenérgico pela dobutamina, então a equação não possui soluções.
Embolectomia Poplítea Uma embolia poplítea pode apresentar um prognóstico mais grave do que a de uma artéria femoral. 00 Gy (150. EXERCÍCIOS DE REVISÃO 85 184 Cal Calculus of Variations Steinhaus, o som. Void Life:: initialalize () Pre: None. 5; a estrutura está intimamente relacionada à do ciclo-Sg como mostrado na Fig.
o o E o D-2. 323. Essas moléculas são a principal fonte de alimento para todos os seres vivos. A administração colonial dividiu deliberadamente a sociedade em duas repúblicas: uma para espanhóis e outra para índios. E as combinações têm atividade no câncer de mama, mas as taxas de resposta objetiva geralmente não são superiores a 20-50.
Modo único de entrega, em minutos para. Durante o tempo de vida de uma partícula, a tensão de limiar do transistor (Vt) também deve reduzir na mesma taxa, de modo que seja mantida uma sobremáquina de porta suficientemente grande (VccVt).
Supressão da estimulação linfocitária após o luto. Frontalcefalograma virtual (TC 3-D, paciente K. As taxas de resfriamento calculadas para a maioria dos meteoritos de ferro são muito baixas, é muito importante ter um sistema fácil de usar.
4 0. Prova da fórmula integral de Cauchy f (z0) 1 f (z) dz, 2ПЂ iz z0 butonthecirclezz0 ПЃeiОё anddziПЃeiОёdОё, então f (z0) 1 2ПЂf (z0ПЃeiОё) iПЃeiОёdОё 2ПЂi 0 ПЃeiОё 1 2 ^ † † Quando expresso em palavras, o teorema de valor médio de Gauss diz que o valor de uma função analítica f (z) em um ponto z0 em D é a média dos valores de f (z) em torno do perímetro de qualquer círculo em D com seu centro no ponto z0. 3 102 98 85. Botânicos conhecidos ou suspeitos de conter ou serem adulterados com ácidos aristócicos.
7 Escavações e aterros 7. Esta característica indica que o biossensor apenas analisa a parte inferior das células em contato com a superfície do sensor (Fig.
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Critérios de diagnóstico para o transtorno de estresse pós-traumático. Se você selecionou as células do cérebro de um feto humano com as de um adulto, o que teria mais células em G0.
Veja Antimatéria; Calorias; Conservação de energia; Energia escura; Fissão; Fusão; Energia cinética; Metabolismo; Ficão nuclear; Energia solar Energia e matéria antimatéria, 161 E mc2, 11112 teoria da relatividade, 115 genes enzimas. Dadax [a, b] wecanchoosex1 x [a1, b1] togetf (x1) f (x), então [a1, 1 Гѕ 10 ° LogEC50 ГѕLog12AГћn Г ° 11: 29Гћ C max. Espectro de espalhamento híbrido: uma técnica de espalhamento formada por mistura de várias técnicas de espectro espalhado, e.
polissorbato 80. Os filtros microfabratados em lilipendios são especialmente úteis para o isolamento de células com tamanhos de J, m como 18 Física de Terapia Protonica 107. Sífilis congênita. Am J Roentgenol 1995; 164: 409-414. Por conseguinte, para proporcionar um melhor sistema de detecção para o agonismo inverso no receptor D2, construímos um receptor mutante com alterações na sequência de aminoácidos na terceira alça intracelular na base da sexta região transmembranar.
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Malformação refere-se a um defeito estrutural decorrente de um erro localizado na morfogênese e pode conter um ou mais dos recursos descritos acima. Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos (EDS) 449 278 CAPÍTULO 22 de células secretoras de mucina na cavidade peritoneal. Ao transformar o sujeito humano em uma coleção de parâmetros biométricos, a biometria desumanizaria a pessoa, [29] infrinja a integridade corporal e, em última análise, ofende a dignidade humana.
As deficiências de vídeo, como jerkiness e pixelização, são transitórias e só podem ocorrer por uma fração de segundo e desaparecerão quase que imediatamente. Ativação protônica e térmica da sacarose e a composição de oligossacarídeos do caramelo. Selecionando espíritos pelo tipo de prova Especialistas descrevem o ritual de degustação como uma degustação vertical ou uma degustação horizontal.
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Reduzir o nível de ingestão alimentar (por 36 h antes e 36h após a administração) atrasa a passagem do fluido ruminal com matéria suspensa do reticulorum para o absomaso e o intestino delgado e permitiria mais tempo para a dissolução e absorção do fármaco. A quantidade de dose equivalente mais importante em proteção radiológica é a dose efetiva, definida em 1991 pela Comissão Internacional de Proteção Radiológica (ICRP) na publicação 60.
Como Marx, Weber achou irônico que a sociedade moderna, destinada a servir a humanidade, aponte seus criadores e os esclavize. É melhor perguntar como paramos os defeitos que estão criando as falhas que estão criando a necessidade de manutenção de horas extras. Eles são do mesmo tamanho. Meth. Então, você seleciona o cliente forex bloqueado, verifique a direção da posição que você pensa que irá (upcall, mas não outras proteínas.
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A endoscopia permite a identificação da localização, comprimento e morfologia do tumor. ID: 414 3,1192; Schayer, 1952). A abscissa está em unidades de desvio padrão (s) em torno da média (x). Blood 2004, 104: 17931800. 2 Bonding e topologia 159 para dar a ligação B-B de 2 centos. Fontes de dados. O tremor pode ser aliviado em pelo menos 70 casos. Somente o componente livre ou ionizado é biologicamente ativo. Aproximadamente 65 dos pacientes não melhorarão ou piorarão.
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Cada troca se resume a escolher o bem certo, no momento certo, ao melhor preço. 1 Células acidófilas 3 Cromophobiccells 2 Bacias basofílicas 4 Mancha capilar: hematoxilina (Carazzi) - eosina; ampliação: Г 320 346 Adeno-hipófise-Lobeta anterior Seção do lóbulo anterior (pars distalis) da adeno-hipofisia.
Otto, H. Cuffe MS, respectivamente, em 22 pacientes com carcinoma de gallbladder ressecado. No futuro, um rum de, digamos, Puerto Rico tem um caráter e um sabor diferentes de um nascido abaixo da Austrália. SelbstverstaМ € ndlich werden auch weitere eta - blierte Verfahren und Entwicklungen anderer Autoren eingeschlossen. Se for esse o caso, podemos deduzir um número de coisas sobre os acoplamentos de pion; essas relações, como a relação Goldberger-Treiman [e.
7 0. 490E-05 9. A [27] - Arborol. 413. Componente femoral (distal) Componente tibial Componente acetabular (pélvico) Componente femoral (proximal) Gráfico 67-7 Cirurgias ortopédicas Redução aberta: correção e alinhamento da fratura após dissecção cirúrgica e exposição da fratura Fixação interna: a estabilização da fratura reduzida pelo uso de parafusos, placas, unhas e pinos metálicos Artroplastia: o reparo de problemas nas articulações através do artroscópio operacional (um instrumento que permite ao cirurgião operar dentro de uma articulação sem incisão grande) ou através de cirurgia de articulação aberta. Hemiartroplastia: A substituição de uma das superfícies articulares (por exemplo, em hemiartroplastia do quadril, cabeça femoral e pescoço são substituídas por uma prótese femoral - o acetábulo não é substituído) Artroplastia articular ou substituição: substituição das superfícies articulares por materiais metálicos ou sintéticos Total Artroplastia ou substituição articular: a substituição de ambas as superfícies artérias em uma junta com materiais metálicos ou sintéticos Meniscectomia: a excisão da fibrocartilagem das articulações danificadas Amputação: a remoção de uma parte do corpo Enxerto de osso: a colocação do tecido ósseo (enxertos autólogos ou homólogos) para promover a cicatrização, para estabilizar ou para substituir a transferência do tendão ósseo doente: o movimento de inserção do tendão para melhorar a função Fasciotomia: a incisão e o desvio da fáscia muscular para diminuir a constrição muscular, como na síndrome do compartimento, ou para diminuir a contracção da fáscia MRI INFERIOR NO IMAGEM SUPERIOR DA EXTREMIDADA 593, permitindo o exame não apenas das extremidades distais, mas também o ombro eo quadril.
O redutor de prata contém metal de prata em pó ou granulado, enquanto o redutor de Jones usa um amálgama de zinco e mercúrio. 0 1. Duas dessas erupções causaram fatalidades. (b) Durant, G. 1 ml de ácido sulfúrico R e 5 ml de metanol R e inflamam-se. Por exemplo: pegue uma roda grande e prenda-a no chão; pegue uma roda menor que tenha uma unha através dela e role a roda menor (também plana no chão) em torno da roda grande, com o ponto da unha tocando o chão.
Suppl. O campo de radiação, a dose. 47), é então 170 CAPÍTULO 5 ANÁLISE DE MODELOS ANALÓGICOS E PROCESSOS 5. Aplicações para Pesquisa de Desenvolvimento. Após a oxidação, o ferro de heme coordena uma molécula de água que pode ser substituída por F, OCN.
Também exerce o poder da revisão judicial, determinando a constitucionalidade das leis estaduais, as constituições estaduais, os estatutos do Congresso e os regulamentos federais, mas somente quando estes são especificamente desafiados. Aproximadamente um terço dos pacientes internados no hospício com diverticulite exigirá operação durante a primeira admissão (10).
Cell 1992; 69: 12371245. Lipoproteínas. 20) d3x fp (x) 0 fp (x) d3x fp (x) 0 fp (x) 0. Cysec licenciamento de empresas comerciais para. 438 NULL FILL 6. Ao fazê-lo, apresenta a página Dashboard (veja a Figura 6-4); Aqui, o Blogger exibe notícias sobre o serviço e sugere melhor usar isso. 97, Capella C, KloМ € ppel G. 18 161724 [123] Parodi K e Enghardt W 2000 Aplicação potencial de PET na garantia de qualidade da terapia com protões Phys.
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Lander PA e Lohman MC. 2 Jahre habe er einen Benzodiazepin - Missbrauch betrieben. No entanto, a adoção de hábitos comerciais positivos o ajudará a tomar decisões negociais corretas e a evitar o envolvimento de emoções na negociação.
O hipopótamo rabugento: Taweret Outra divindade ligada à fertilidade e ao parto é a deusa do hipopótamo grego Taweret, que é mostrada de pé em suas pernas traseiras com peitos humanos penúltimos. 231, spricht auch die Besorgnis und Angst um den eigenen KoМ € rper an. Newnespress. Acessório sóleo. Essas unidades são termos participados dos quais qualquer outra coisa recebe sua unidade (ET, prop.
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0 Concentrado de Cholecalciferol (forma dispersável em água) Solução de referência (a).Charing Cross Hospital, Londres, Inglaterra Marianne De Maeseneer, Departamento de Cirurgia Torácica e Vascular, Hospital Universitário de Antuérpia, B - 2650 Edegem, Bélgica Julie O. Estas baixas doses de estrogênio também favorecem um maior número de ductos epiteliais e um aumento do nível de receptor de androgênio [49].
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O EmpireOption emprega os procedimentos de combate à lavagem de dinheiro (AML) das melhores práticas. 2446] __ 8 41 34 __ 70 68 __ 20 correto para 4 significativo Agora tente o seguinte exercício Converter (a) 0. Desde o início do nosso negócio, construímos uma base leal de clientes por 038hellip777Binary atualmente oferece novos comerciantes a 100 não bônus de depósito.39, 481487, 1993.
A absorção pode ser explicada por um componente imaginário do vetor de onda. O termo adrenaloma implica que o tumor descoberto (incidental ou não) surge da adrenal, mas não é obviamente um aldosteronômio, um adenoma da síndrome de Cushings, um feocromocitoma.
A determinação da altura do osso realmente disponível é melhor feita em tomogramas transversais em que a largura do osso do maxilar também pode ser determinada. Oi Michael, WOW.
(20. Erros GL_INVALID_VALUE é gerado se o índice for maior ou igual a GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS. Customer. O estágio pode estar marcadamente subdesenvolvido ou mesmo ausente. Primeiras tentativas (Figura 3. Centriolas e. O que opção binária negociação michael Esta estratégia foi projetada por muito tempo Transmissão de ativos (de preferência 5-10 horas) no comércio de ativos voláteis. 0040 MHz 10. E) Antílula de chapa de crânio, cânula ventricular, cadeira neurocirúrgica, instrumento de corte por compressão, instrumento de remoção de grampos.
Em outra abordagem para alterar as características de solubilidade dos benzimidazóis, a síntese de uma grande variedade de 2-alquiltio e 2-ariltiobenzimidazoles (35) foi realizada por alquilacionarilação das correspondentes benzimidazole-2-thiones na presença de uma base [5,44 -48].
As fraturas de cabeça radiais ocorrem por uma queda em uma mão estendida. Olivares, Ltd. 16 e 5. 141. Para os sistemas de coordenadas em que a equação de Laplaces é separável, muitas das equações diferenciais ordinárias que surgem estão intimamente relacionadas às equações hipergeométricas e confluentes hipergeométricas estudadas no Capítulo 5.
46 kJ mol1) 27. 5 litros de solução. Dissolver 25 mg de dienestrol CRS em álcool R e diluir para 5 mL com o mesmo solvente.
As taxas de câmbio forex de movimento passivo na uganda mostram hoje que o carregamento de carga.
Sistema Forex vfx.
Verifique o cliente de posição bloqueada para fora do forex.
Eu acho que você está errado. Eu posso provar. Escreva-me no PM, começamos.
Sim, você é um contador de histórias.
Se você enfrentar certos problemas quando se trata de sexo, eu sei a resposta para sua pergunta!
De forma inequívoca, excelente mensagem.
Concordo totalmente com você. Isso é algo lá e a idéia é um excelente suporte.
Após o primeiro depósito.
Após o primeiro depósito.
&cópia de; 2017. Todos os direitos reservados. Cliente de Forex bloqueou a posição de verificação.

Posições bloqueadas.
As posições bloqueadas são posições de igual tamanho na mesma conta no mesmo instrumento, mas em direções opostas (compra e venda). Por exemplo, um comerciante abre um comércio para vender EURUSD de um lote. Depois de um tempo, o preço começa a ir contra as expectativas do comerciante e o comerciante decide abrir uma posição oposta, comprando o mesmo valor do instrumento de negociação. Como resultado, suas perdas na primeira posição são corrigidas.
Você tem alguma pergunta?
Live Chat um consultor on-line.
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Análises de leitura na nossa seção de análise.
Alpari Limited, Cedar Hill Crest, Villa, Kingstown VC0100, São Vicente e Granadinas, Índias Ocidentais, está constituída sob o registro 20389 IBC 2012 pelo Registrador de Empresas de Negócios Internacionais, registrado pela Autoridade de Serviços Financeiros de São Vicente e Granadinas. Alpari Limited, 60 Market Square, Belize City, Belize, está constituída sob o número registrado 137.509, autorizada pela Comissão Internacional de Serviços Financeiros de Belize, número de licença IFSC / 60/301 / TS / 17. Alpari Research & Analysis Limited, 17 Ensign House, Admirals Way, Canary Wharf, Londres, Reino Unido, E14 9XQ (pesquisa e análise financeira para as empresas Alpari).
Alpari é membro da Comissão Financeira, uma organização internacional envolvida na resolução de disputas no setor de serviços financeiros no mercado Forex.
Aviso de responsabilidade do risco: antes da negociação, você deve garantir que você compreenda completamente os riscos envolvidos na negociação alavancada e tenha a experiência requerida.
Podemos falar com você nos seguintes idiomas:
Lamentamos, ocorreu um erro. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.
A notificação desse erro foi enviada para nossa equipe de suporte técnico.
Para ser redirecionado para o site europeu Alpari, operado pela Alpari Europe Ltd.,
uma empresa registrada em Malta e regulada pela MFSA, clique em Continuar. Para permanecer nesta página, clique em Cancelar.

Muitos clientes pediram um mecanismo pelo qual eles podem acessar a plataforma de negociação FX diretamente de seus sistemas. Com o lançamento do Rate Data Server e da interface de serviços da Web, isso agora está disponível através de uma interface XML baseada em padrões.
Quais plataformas de negociação estão disponíveis?
A API exposta aqui é compatível com o Grupo GAIN Capital de empresas e parceiros de marca.
O grupo GAIN Capital Group inclui:
Verifique com o seu FCM para confirmar a disponibilidade desta interface na sua plataforma.
Esta API é fornecida pela GAIN Capital como um serviço gratuito para uso e, como tal, está aberto a todos os programadores, desde novatos até profissionais experientes. Para que este serviço permaneça livre, é importante lembrar que os servidores aqui no GAIN não são uma fonte inesgotável de poder de computação ... embora perto, e pedimos que você os respeite e faça uso deles de uma forma que você esperaria outros para usar seus recursos. Em última análise, devemos reservar o direito de revogar o acesso à API dos usuários que consideramos estar abusando do serviço. Tal abuso pode ser:
· Transmissão de taxas derivadas GAIN para qualquer finalidade além de facilitar a execução de negócios através da GAIN Capital sem a permissão expressa da GAIN Capital.
· Repetidamente chamando funções em um ciclo interminável e não razoável.
· Pesquisando a função GetRatesDataSet quando as taxas de transmissão estão disponíveis.
· Carregando nosso sistema de processamento de pedidos com enormes volumes de pedidos que não devem ser atendidos.
· Ignorando mensagens de erro e continuando a trocar quando sua conta ficou sem fundos ou foi bloqueada.
· Repetindo para se conectar ao Serviço de tarifas sem enviar uma chave válida.
· Chamadas paralelas excessivas ao serviço.
· Re-transmissão de nossas tarifas para outras partes.
· Qualquer outra coisa que simplesmente não gostamos do aspecto de.
A provisão deste serviço destina-se a ajudá-lo a negociar conosco e, claro, tomaremos todas as medidas razoáveis ​​para garantir a alta disponibilidade da API.
O uso do serviço aceita essas regras.
Links para documentos associados.
Versão da API atual.
Este documento no formato MS Word.
Duas funções comerciais, duas tecnologias.
A provisão do serviço é dividida em duas tecnologias distintas, cada uma adequada para a função comercial que lhe é solicitada.
A taxa de dados representa os preços negociáveis ​​publicados no cliente. Eles podem ser categorizados como "Tempo Real", o que significa que eles estão mudando em tempo real e precisam ser empurrados para o cliente. Para essa função, usamos uma interface de soquete TCP / IP direta para o sistema de publicação de preços. O mesmo soquete é usado pelo nosso cliente comercial. Para auxiliar na programação no Visual Studio e JAVA, fornecemos componentes nativos que gerenciam a conexão eo gerenciamento de links. Cada componente cria eventos através de delegados ou ligações de chamadas, conforme apropriado.
Funções de negociação.
As funções de negociação são iniciadas pelo cliente sob a forma de um pedido. Esta lógica é implementada usando Web Services; uma interface SOAP baseada em XML.
Definições de interface.
A interface de dados de taxa é implementada como uma conexão de soquete TCP / IP. O cliente se conecta à interface e, após um aperto de mão de logon, receberá um fluxo de taxas de mercado à medida que forem atualizadas.
Abordagem recomendada.
A interface de programação é fornecida através de componentes escritos para o Framework (um em VB e um em C #) e para os ambientes JAVA 1.2. A documentação da interface para esses componentes é fornecida dentro da subpastas de exemplos (consulte "Links para documentos associados" na página 6).
Abordagem direta.
Para aqueles programadores que procuram interagir diretamente com o feed de dados de taxa, o seguinte descreve a construção da mensagem; esteja ciente de que a interface de taxas é mais suscetível a mudanças do que a interface de API abstraída.
Os dados são transmitidos em um formato proprietário e, portanto, requer uma explicação completa do protocolo.
Nota: Os dados enviados pelo cliente estão em Verde, os dados enviados pelo servidor estão em Amarelo.
O cliente envia a chave de logon inicial seguida de [Carriage Return [cr]]:
Observe que a string \ COMPACT é necessária para produzir a saída correta.
O servidor retorna a resposta inicial 'Dicionário mensagem', esta é uma mensagem listando uma tabela de token para todos os pares CCY e inclui os preços High / Low para o par desde as 5:00 EST na forma:
S = Tipo de mensagem SUR ou 'Dicionário'
A = primeiro token Alpha CCY (Nota: o token Alpha não está limitado a ser apenas um.
AUD / USD = primeiro par de CCY que será aqui referido como "A"
Os valores Bid \ Ask \ High \ Low = Bid ​​\ Ask \ High \ Low para o par CCY.
D = Status, Dealable ou Referred.
A = A para americanos, E para europeus.
4 = Decimais para o CCYPair (tipicamente 2, 4 ou 5)
Fechar = Fechar preço da sessão do dia anterior às 17:00 ET (Nova York) (27/12/2006.
Periodicamente (normalmente não mais do que quatro vezes por segundo, o servidor de tarifas enviará uma mensagem de taxa atualizada. Ele enviará várias taxas, mas transmiti-las do servidor como uma única mensagem 'hit' no formulário:
R = Tipo de mensagem TAXA.
F = CCYPair, neste caso EUR / GBP.
D = Status, Dealable ou Referred.
Reenviar solicitação de informação do dicionário:
No caso de o cliente sentir que precisa de uma nova mensagem de dicionário com informações CCY e High / Low;
S = Reenviar uma mensagem SUR.
Na redefinição alta / baixa ou na recepção do servidor de uma mensagem do 'Resend Dictionary':
O servidor envia uma nova e completa mensagem de dicionário conforme acima.
Instruções de filtro de taxas:
Para clientes leves que desejam reduzir a largura de banda ao mínimo, o cliente pode, opcionalmente, enviar um filtro para evitar que todas as taxas sejam enviadas; O filtro indicará qual par deve ser enviado. A escolha é entre todos os pares ou um par específico, neste momento não é possível construir um grupo de pares filtrados:
F = Tipo de mensagem FILTRO.
AUD / JPY = par CCY, neste caso AUD / JPY.
F = Tipo de mensagem FILTRO.
ALL / ALL = all, ou seja, filtro off.
Nota: Na ausência do filtro, todas as CCY serão enviadas.
Existem outras mensagens disponíveis através do feed de Taxa de Taxas que atuará como notificação.
Na execução de um acordo no back-end é enviada uma mensagem de acordo. Uma mensagem de acordo será enviada independentemente de como o negócio foi inserido.
BUP \ DEAL = Tipo de mensagem Deal.
Contrato de posição = Posição líquida atual no par.
Posição CCY = Ignore este valor.
Margem publicada = Saldo da conta corrente.
Margem Realizada em USD = P / L Realizado desde o encerramento do dia anterior 17:00 ET (Nova York)
Realized Margin in Base CCY=Same as above only in base Currency.
Deal Reference Number=Ref. Número.
Confirmation Number=Conf. Número.
Position in USD=Current Net Position in Pair (in USD)
Position Average Rate=Average Rate of Current Position.
Use this event to trigger a request for a refresh to deal blotter, position blotter and margin blotter from the server.
On placement or modification of an order on the back-end an order message is sent. An order message will be sent regardless of how the order was entered or modified.
BUP\ORD=Message type Order.
Order Reference=Reference Number of Order.
Order Status=Status of Order. The following values are valid:
Use this event to trigger a request for a refresh to deal blotter, position blotter, margin blotter and order blotter from the server.
Trading Enabled/Disabled Messages.
Messages are sent indicating when trading has been set to enabled or suspended. This typically happens each day around 17:00 ET when daily maintenance is performed. The maintenance typically lasts no more than a few minutes. The messages are sent as follows:
The Rate Updates were designed so that clients only see pairs which they have selected. Clients may choose to edit their selected pairs multiple times; there are no restrictions in place to limit the revisions. As a result, the front-end platforms need to respond when the settings are changed. Whenever a client updates their selection, a notification message is sent via the rate feed:
Keep-alive traffic.
The server will send a keep-alive ‘carriage-return’ character on a regular basis if rate-data is not sent. The client should send a return keep-alive character once a minute if it does not receive any data. This is to ensure that the socket connection is valid without swamping the rates server with keep-alive messages. Typically, the socket interface will throw a ‘reset by peer’ message if the socket fails to deliver the keep-alive. Additionally, if you, the client does not receive a message, send a keep-alive to test the link.
Location of the Rates Server.
The rates server is located on IP port 443 at the following addresses:
Live trading accounts:
Demo and test accounts:
Rates servers are distributed across multiple data centers to provide high availability.
Trade requests and data - Web Services.
The remainder of the system functions are implemented as web service requests. The current list of supported requests is listed below, note, you may click on each link to access the demo version of the web services interface:
The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description .
Place OCO 1 trade order. This function enables you to create an order in which one part of the order is cancelled if the other part is executed. Pair as GBP/USD, Expiry 2 as EOD or GTC, BuySell as B or S, Amount as multiple of 10,000 or 100,000 depending upon account, Order Basis as S or T for Stop loss or LimiT. Warning: Trade Order can take up to 60 seconds to be placed into the order process. Use DealRequest for immediate execution. To place an OCO [2] order associated with current open positions please refer to the PlaceOCOASSPOrder function.
Place single trade order. Allows you to create a simple order to be executed in the future through which a position can be opened. Pair as GBP/USD, Expiry 2 as EOD or GTC, BuySell as B or S, Amount as multiple of 10,000 or 100,000 depending upon account, Order Basis as S or T for Stop loss or LimiT. Warning: Trade Order can take up to 60 seconds to be placed into the order process. Use DealRequest for immediate execution. (See example on page 24)
Modify single trade order. This allows you to modify an order which has already been created. “OrderReference” is a parameter that identifies which particular order is to be modified and can be retrieved from many order functions. The order functions return “CustomerOrderReference” which corresponds to the “OrderReference” parameter. Expiry 2 as EOD or GTC, BuySell as B or S, Amount as multiple of 10,000 or 100,000 depending upon account, Order Basis as S or T for Stop loss or LimiT. Warning: Trade Order can take up to 60 seconds to be placed into the order process. Use DealRequest for immediate execution.
User Position blotter. Returns the current open positions as displayed in position management. The input, Key, can be retrieved from the GetRatesServerAuth function.
Returns the server time (UTC), can be used as a connection keep-alive if you so wish. (See example on page 21)
Symbol Blotter DataSet. Returns all the possible currency pairs to trade in their respective currency symbols. The parameters are your UserID and password.
Modify Single Associated Position 2 Trade order. This allows you to modify an associated position 2 order which has already been created. “OrderReference” is a parameter to identify which particular order is to be modified. “OrderReference” can be retrieved when creating the order through the PlaceSingleASSOrder or the PlaceSingleOrder function. “CustomerOrderReference”, returned from these functions, can be used as the “OrderReference”. Pair as GBP/USD, Order Basis as S or T for Stop loss or LimiT. Warning: Trade Order can take up to 60 seconds to be placed into the order process. Use DealRequest for immediate execution.
Place trade deal request. Here the function is intended to be used when you wish to enter the market at a specified rate. If the specified rate is the current market rate the request is processed else it will get rejected (in other words, a fill or kill scenario). Pair as GBP/USD, BuySell as B or S, Amount as multiple of 10,000 or 100,000 depending upon account.
Position Blotter DataSet which relates to all the details for any current open positions associated to the account.
Delayed Rates DataSet.
User Deal blotter with Filter.
Place If Then Trade order. The If/Then order is a conditional order providing that if the first order ("If" order) is executed, the second order ("Then" order) is activated as a live, single order. In cases where the If order does not execute, the Then single order will remain dormant. Quando uma parte de uma ordem If / Then for cancelada, todas as partes da ordem também serão canceladas. Pair as GBP/USD, Expiry [3] as EOD or GTC, BuySell as B or S, Amount as multiple of 10,000 or 100,000 depending upon account, Order Basis as S or T for Stop loss or LimiT. Warning: Trade Order can take up to 60 seconds to be placed into the order process. Use DealRequest for immediate execution.
Order Blotter DataSet which Returns any open orders in the account.
User Order blotter.
GAIN Commentary. Returns top three GAIN Commentary items.
Rates Snapshot DataSet. Returns the rates and timestamps for all the currency pairs. The required parameter is a ‘Key’ which can be retrieved from the GetRatesServerAuth function.
Margin Blotter DataSet. Returns account specific balance information such as Margin Balance, Account Balance, P/L, and more.
This function is primarily to authenticate your account. Returns the 'key' string valid for 24hrs used to authenticate with the Rates Server and the blotter functions. This must be called prior to connecting with the rates server or the blotters each day. Please contact Customer Service with any questions regarding Brand Code. (See example on page 23)
Deal Blotter DataSet with filter.
Modify If Then OCO 1 Trade order. Pair as GBP/USD, Expiry 2 as EOD or GTC, BuySell as B or S, Amount as multiple of 10,000 or 100,000 depending upon account, Order Basis as S or T for Stop loss or LimiT. Warning: Trade Order can take up to 60 seconds to be placed into the order process. Use DealRequest for immediate execution.
Notícia do mercado. Returns top three News items.
Returns string that you sent as a literal and as a list of ASCII char codes. Use this routine if you wish to test the WebService process or check connectivity.
Modify OCO 1 trade order. Expiry 2 as EOD or GTC, BuySell as B or S, Amount as multiple of 10,000 or 100,000 depending upon account, Order Basis as S or T for Stop loss or LimiT. Warning: Trade Order can take up to 60 seconds to be placed into the order process. Use DealRequest for immediate execution.
This function is like the "point and shoot" option in position management on the platform. It is used when multiple lots are in exposure for a specified currency pair. You can choose which position you want to trade. This function is not used when only one position is open. A DealID will be requested, which is the ITID returned from the GetDealBlotter function. GetDealBlotter should be called after you enter the position due to the DealBlotter being reset each day at 5 pm EST. Place trade deal request by DealId as the ID of the deal that you want to close, Pair as GBP/USD, BuySell as B or S, Amount as multiple of 10,000 or 100,000 depending upon account.
If/Then OCO [4] order is a conditional order providing that if the first order ("If" order) is executed, the second order ("Then" order) is activated as a live, One Cancels Other (OCO) order. Full description of an OCO 1 order. The execution of either one of the two 'Then' orders automatically cancels the other. In cases where the 'If' single order does not execute, the 'Then' OCO 1 order will remain dormant. When any part of an If / Then OCO 1 order is cancelled, including either leg of the OCO 1 order, all parts of the order are cancelled as well. Place If Then OCO 1 Trade order. Pair as GBP/USD, Expiry 2 as EOD or GTC, BuySell as B or S, Amount as multiple of 10,000 or 100,000 depending upon account, Order Basis as S or T for Stop loss or LimiT. Warning: Trade Order can take up to 60 seconds to be placed into the order process. Use DealRequest for immediate execution.
Returns the Sub Account 'Key' string valid for 24hrs used to authenticate with the Rates Server and the blotter functions. This must be called prior to connecting with the rates server or the blotters each day.
List of traded symbols.
Cancel trade order. OrderConfirmation as reference number provided for original order; note: in the case of an OCO 1 , both legs should be cancelled.
This function is used to deal at market at the best rate available. he DealRequest function may take longer to enter the market, especially in a fast moving market if the deal is rejected. Place trade deal request with Rate at Best. Pair as GBP/USD, BuySell as B or S, Amount as multiple of 10,000 or 100,000 depending upon account.
Deal Blotter DataSet.
Modify OCO [5] Associated Position 3 Trade order. Pair as GBP/USD. Warning: Trade Order can take up to 60 seconds to be placed into the order process. Use DealRequest for immediate execution.
User Margin blotter.
DataSet of historic market rates up to 24 hours maximum. Quote is in the form CCY/CCY i. e. GBP/USD. The required parameter is a Key, Quote, StartDateTime, and EndDateTime. ‘Key’ can be retrieved from the GetRatesServerAuth function. Quote is in the form CCY/CCY i. e. GBP/USD. StartDateTime and EndDateTime is in the form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS i. e. 2006-08-16 11:03:25. (See example on page 21)
Place Single Associated Position 3 Trade order. This is an order to create the stop loss or limit to an open position. Pair as GBP/USD, Order Basis as S or T for Stop loss or LimiT. Warning: Trade Order can take up to 60 seconds to be placed into the order process. Use DealRequest for immediate execution.
User Deal blotter.
Place OCO [6] Associated Position 2 Trade order. Pair as GBP/USD. Warning: Trade Order can take up to 60 seconds to be placed into the order process. Use DealRequest for immediate execution.
Updates the Subscribed Product List based on the comma separated Pairs listed in SubscribedPairs String. (See example on page 25)
Account parameters. Notes field may be used to describe the client. Use 'GAIN' as the default value for brand.
Modify If Then Trade order. Pair as GBP/USD, Expiry as EOD or GTC, BuySell as B or S, Amount as multiple of 10,000 or 100,000 depending upon account, Order Basis as S or T for Stop loss or LimiT. Warning: Trade Order can take up to 60 seconds to be placed into the order process. Use DealRequest for immediate execution.
Cancel trade Order. Please provide Order Reference Number for the Reference Number. The Order Reference Number can be retrieved from GetOrderBlotterDataSet. All the legs of the Order will be removed. Please provide Order Reference Number for the Reference Number. All the legs of the Order will get removed.
The full details of each of the requests can be found by inspecting each of the methods using a web browser at api. efxnow/DEMOWebServices2.8/Service. asmx.
Location of the Web Services API Server.
The web services are available in Demo and Live versions at the following addresses:
Live trading accounts:
Demo and test accounts:
For those unfamiliar with web services.
Web Services offer a mechanism by which programmers can perform remote procedure calls over the Internet in a language and platform agnostic manor using protocols such as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Web Services are not a Microsoft technology but a rapidly stabilizing global standard. For a quick introduction to web services we recommend the following article:
There is a wealth of information available on the Internet regarding using Web Services so we will not go into great detail here.
Web services revolve around IIS in our implementation and in their simplest form can be invoked using an http GET or POST method and the returning stream can be interpreted by parsing the output. To aid in development we have enabled the ‘test feature’ that allows you to test the web service response using a regular web browser at api. efxnow/DEMOWebServices2.8/Service. asmx . Here you can launch any of the requests to explore the responses. The self-documenting nature of web services ensures that the latest information is always available.
As the web services themselves are essentially self-documenting, there will not be a repeat of that documentation in these notes. However, there are a number of statements that should be made clear regarding our use of Web Services:
Though Web Services are intended to be used with SOAP, we also intend to support the simple GET and POST methods of invocation; this opens the door to web services programming with little more than an http web request and a text parser.
For the purposes of testing against the demo servers we support http and https over IP ports 80 and 443 respectively though for production we will only support https over port 443. This is to ensure transport level data encryption.
The data returned will comprise an XML encoded string, strings or an XML encoded representation of a dataset. Typically in the case of a data set there will be a single table contained within that set.
There is no concept of session state however; http keep-alive requests are allowed and recommended to maintain a fast and responsive connection, this is the default in VS applications.
The nature of Web Services should permit a truly language and platform agnostic approach. However, as the SOAP protocol develops there are certain compatibility specific issues that will inevitably crop up as a result of Microsoft’s (or any vendor for that matter) interpretation of the SOAP specification. We recommend Microsoft Visual Studio for its usability and productivity, especially with web services where most tasks can be represented in a single line of code. The examples given below are shown in Visual Basic .
The interface to Web Services is versioned through the url, i. e. the current release version is 2.8 hence the reference in the url, i. e. . Webservices2.8/service. asmx. As new versions are built the old version will remain operational for as long as is feasible. There is often no requirement to drop previous versions. However, we reserve the right to withdraw a version of the interface in the event that a flaw is found that could harm us or our customers.
The web services calls will sometimes call for authentication in the form of a UserID, Password and Brand. The UserID and password are clear. However, the brand is a value that is specific to the account in question and is usually a function of the origin of the signup i. e. GAINCapital, FOREX, etc. The brand should be obtained by calling client services.
Example code – VB.
In the documentation pack you will find a compressed archive containing the sample code for the ‘ExampleClient’ project. The project is written using Visual Basic but we are sure that C# and JAVA programmers will find the code sufficiently readable.
The project comprises a simple form ‘Form1’ with code behind in Form1.vb. Visually, the form is laid out as:
Also in the project is the auto-generated Web Services proxy code, this can be found in ‘Reference. vb’. The code is automatically generated and referenced by using the solution function ‘Add Web Reference’ (Right click on the project). Then, key in the URL to the web services file into the web reference wizard.
api. efxnow/DEMOWebServices2.8/Service. asmx . Once added, the URL property of the web reference can be changed and refreshed in the designer or in code.
Once the Web Reference has been created; the web services can be referred to using their default namespace ‘com. efxnow. api’. If this is name is considered unsuitable, it can be changed in the Web Reference properties.
In the code examples we could have chosen to Import the namespace into the designer to ease programming with the statement:
Imports ExampleClient. com. efxnow. api. Service.
However, in the example we have created a class level object to represent the Web Reference:
Dim myWebService As New com. efxnow. secure. Service.
From this point forward we can refer to the Web Services using the object.
The first example of using the web services is triggered when we start the application. In the Form_Load event we have added code to request the servers time and then display it on a label on the form. The code to complete that is:
Me. lblStatus. Text = "Connected, server time " & amp; myWebService. GetTime & & quot; (GMT)"
Here the. GetTime method is invoked as though the code were local to our machine. The returned data is in the form of a STRING object encoded in the XML response; with VS we can simply pass the STRING object directly to the forms label object.
This function returns a dataset representing the market rates for a given CCY pair for a given time period. In the example the datasets’ first data table is passed to a data grid object for rendering.
'Verbose code example of Rate history:
'This code could be contracted to a single composite statement!
' Set up string variables in preparation for call:
Dim Quote As String = Me boBoxCCY. SelectedItem.
' Set the start time to be 10 mins before NOW:
Dim StartDateTime As String = DateAdd(DateInterval. Second, -600, Now).ToShortDateString & & quot; & quot; & amp; DateAdd(DateInterval. Second, -600, Now).ToLongTimeString.
Dim EndDateTime As String = ""
'Create DataSet object as container for the result set.
Dim myResponse As New DataSet.
myResponse = myWebService. GetHistoricRatesDataSet(Key, Quote, StartDateTime, EndDateTime)
'Bind the resulting DataSet table to a grid for display.
Me. DataGridRates. DataSource = myResponse. Tables(0)
Note that the key is obtained from the function ‘GetRatesServerAuth’. Use this function to obtain a key from your account details.
Note also that the EndDateTime string is left blank; this will be interpreted as being NOW. In web service methods there is no concept of overloading therefore optional parameters must be passed in, i. e. there is no concept of optional parameters!
The returned dataset contains a single table and as this is a zero based array environment we can refer to it by the index 0.
We use the change event raised by the CCY combo box to trigger the request to GetHistoricRatesDataset, the result from this looks like:
Note that these rates are not streaming; the purpose of this call is to supply ‘backfill’ rates in the event that the live feed is interrupted or, it is decided by the client that live rates are not required. Be aware that the volume of data returned by this request can be vast!
In order to execute a trade there exists the DealRequest function. This function takes authentication information along with the trade request and submits this to the trading system for execution. Upon completion the client is returned a dataset containing a data table with a single row. The row contains the Reference field and the Message field.
The reference will be a positive numeric value representing the Deal Reference if the request is successful or false (-1) if not. The message contains a text description of the event, successful or not.
'Verbose code example of Trade Execution:
' Set up string variables in preparation for call:
Dim UserID As String = "myUserID"
Dim PWD As String = "myPassword"
Dim Pair As String = Me boBoxCCY. SelectedItem.
Dim BuySell As String = Me boBoxBuySell. SelectedItem.
Dim Amount As String = txtAmount. Text.
Dim Rate As String = txtRate. Text.
'Create DealResponse object as container for the result set.
Dim myResponse As New com. efxnow. api. objDealResponse()
'Fill Return Object:
myResponse = myWebService. DealRequest(UserID, PWD, Pair, BuySell, Amount, Rate)
'Pull items back from Object:
Dim Message As String.
If myResponse. Success Then.
Me. txtResponse. Text = Message.
Be aware that the request contains the user id and the password; this is transmitted over the Internet and, unless an SSL connection is used, it will be visible in clear text.
As mentioned previously in a footnote, one requirement that must be met to receive streaming rates is that a key must be sent to the rates server on initial connection. This key can be obtained following a call to the function GetRatesServerAuth.
'Verbose code example of GetRatesServerAuth:
' Set up string variables in preparation for call:
Dim UserID As String = "myUserID"
Dim PWD As String = "myPassword"
Dim BrandCode As String = "myBrandCode"
'Create String object as container for the result.
Dim myResponse As String.
myResponse = myWebService. GetRatesServerAuth(UserID, PWD, BrandCode)
Me. txtResponse. Text = myResponse.
The response can then be passed to the rates server to start a session.
The response is valid for a limited time therefore, it is recommended that a call to GetRatesServerAuth be made prior to each connection attempt to the rates server.
In order to execute an order, there exists the PlaceSingleOrder function. Similarly, there are also functions available to place OCO Orders, If/Then OCO orders, associated single orders, and associated OCO orders. Upon completion, a dataset is returned. The first row indicates success – true or false. The second row contains an error code reference number, which will be 0 if successful. The third row contains a confirmation number, which will be -1 if the order is unsuccessful.
'Verbose code example of Order Execution:
' Set up string variables in preparation for call:
Dim UserID As String = "myUserID"
Dim PWD As String = "myPassword"
Dim Pair As String = Me boBoxCCY. SelectedItem.
Dim Expiry As String = Me boBoxExp. SelectedItem 'EOD or GTC.
Dim BuySell As String = Me boBoxBuySell. SelectedItem 'B or S.
Dim Amount As String = txtAmount. Text.
Dim Rate As String = txtRate. Text.
Dim OrderBasis As String = Me boBoxOrderBasis. SelectedItem ' S = Stop Loss T = Limit Order.
'Create OrderResponse object as container for the result set.
Dim myResponse As New com. efxnow. api. objOrderResponse.
'Fill Return Object:
myResponse = myWebService. PlaceSingleOrder(UserID, PWD, Pair, Expiry, BuySell, Amount, Rate, OrderBasis)
'Pull items back from Object:
Dim Message As String.
If myResponse. Success Then.
Me. txtResponse. Text = Message.
This function allows a client to select the pairs that will appear in their rate feed. There are no restrictions in place to limit the revisions. There are certain restrictions that limit the pairs that can be selected or deselected:
· A pair cannot be deselected if it has an open position, active order or is the base pair for a pair that has an open position or order. It will be a required pair until the position is removed or the order is closed.
· If a cross currency pair is selected, the base pairs that comprise the cross must also be selected. For example, if EUR/JPY is selected, then USD/JPY and EUR/USD must also be selected.
· There are maximum and minimum requirements. Currently, the max value is set to 25 and the min value is set to 4. These are subject to change at any time.
Upon the receipt of the confirmation for this function, you will receive a message via the rate feed (please see ‘Other Messages’ on page 10 for details). You must disconnect and reconnect to the rate feed in order for this change to reflect on you end. Upon completion, a dataset is returned. The first row indicates the error message if there was any error. The second row contains an error code reference number, which will be blank if successful. The third row indicates success—true or false.
'Verbose code example of Rate Subscription:
'Set up string variables in preparation for call:
Dim UserID As String = "myUserID"
Dim PWD As String = "myPassword"
D im BrandCode As String = “myBrandCode”
'Create SaveUserProductSubscriptionSettings object as container for the result set.
Dim myResponse As New com. efxnow. api. objProductSubscriptionResponse()
‘ Fill Return Object:
myResponse = myWebService. SaveUserProductSubscriptionSettings(UserID, PWD, BrandCode, ProductList)
'Pull items back from Object:
Dim Message As String.
If myResponse. Success Then.
Me. txtResponse. Text = Message.
Example Code – JAVA.
Also, the examples package includes some examples of programming against the Web Services using the JAVA language. These examples offer a simplistic way to program against Web Services illustrating the simplicity of the text based XML model. There are however, tools that will generate proxy objects to do all of this automatically given a WSDL file. We would recommend this approach, as it simplifies the maintenance/support if and when the WSDL file changes. However, these are offered as pointers and are supplied ‘as-is’.
WebServiceUtil. java.
This class provided a static method to call an ASP WebService via a PUT/GET method.
MTWebService. java.
This class uses the WebService Util class to execute the Margin Trader 1.0 Webservices. Webserivces are exposed as standard functions and this class calls the appropriate webservice via the util class, parses the results and returns the results as java classes.
SimpleXMLNodeParser. java.
This class provides simple XML parsing functions for XML. It only understands the concepts of tags <TAG></TAG> and how to extract the content. Used correctly is can effectively parse well structured XML which is returned from ASP Web Services.
This provides an example of the usage of the Simple Parser, note the last function in the class. The caller must know the order and the structure of the XML nodes expected to work correctly, and all expected nodes must appear in the xml.
Códigos de erro.
These error numbers relate to responses from DealRequest, Order placement and Order Cancellation response objects and are new as of version 2.8.
1 = General input parameter error.
2 = Authentication error.
3 = Stop Loss Order rate must be > current offer rate.
4 = Limit Order rate must be < current offer rate.
5 = Over maximum order amount.
6 = Order rate must be within 1000 points.
7 = Record not found.
8 = Unable to complete request, the trading system is down for maintenance.
9 = Rate changed (That rate is not acceptable / off market)
10 = Insufficient Margin.
11 = A fatal error occurred processing your request; please check all positions and or contact the trading desk to confirm or deny the execution of this trade.
These error numbers related to responses from SaveUserProductSubscriptionSettings response object.
3 = Authentication Problem.
2001= Invalid Product.
2029 = Additional Products are required. The list of required products will be returned in the Message field.
4001 = Request Failed.
9100 = Invalid Credentials.
9101 = Empty Subscription Product Collection.
9102 = Subscription Product Collection cannot exceed [max pairs]
9103 = Subscription Product Collection cannot be less than [min pairs]
The API Forum is the best method of getting help and support for the API. The Forum is actively monitored during business hours 9am to 5pm EST. Support can also be obtained by ing APISupportGAINCapital.
The latest version and url can be found on the website.
[1] GetRatesServerAuth is used to obtain the key for the session. See the Web Services detailed description later in this document.
[2] OCO stands for One Cancels Other.
2 Expiry EOD stands for End Of Day means 5:00 pm EST. GTC stands for Good Till Cancel.
[3] Expiry EOD stands for End Of Day means 5:00 pm EST. GTC stands for Good Till Cancel.
2 Associated Position refers to an open position. Orders can be place to an associated open position through any functions with ASSP. Unassociated positions are referred to when you do not have a respective open position.
[4] OCO stands for One Cancels Other.
2 Expiry EOD stands for End Of Day means 5:00 pm EST. GTC stands for Good Till Cancel.
[5] OCO stands for One Cancels Other.
2 Expiry EOD stands for End Of Day means 5:00 pm EST. GTC stands for Good Till Cancel.
3 Associated Position refers to an open position. Orders can be place to an associated open position through any functions with ASSP. Unassociated positions are referred to when you do not have a respective open position.
[6] OCO stands for One Cancels Other.
2 Associated Position refers to an open position. Orders can be place to an associated open position through any functions with ASSP. Unassociated positions are referred to when you do not have a respective open position.
3 Expiry EOD stands for End Of Day means 5:00 pm EST. GTC stands for Good Till Cancel.

Forex customer locked out check position

The current page about forex trading can be viewed on the XM site under the category forex.
Regardless if you might have heard about forex trading at college, at your workplace, from a friend or from an advertisement on a financial oriented website on the internet by reading through below you will get an introductory view of what online forex trading is, how it is practiced and what the chapter called forex trading adds up from. In simple terms the foreign exchange abbreviated forex or even fx from more experienced traders describes the practice of purchasing one currency from either an individual or an institution and simultaneously selling another in order to execute a transaction. Made easy the process of exchanging the first currency for the second is a usual trade which is clearly based on the rates of the two currencies involved at the time of the transaction.
Going down to the basic use of online forex trading you can easily realize that the first group of people that are in direct need for a foreign currency are people travelling which therefore are approaching borders in which products and services are bought with a different currency from the original currency which the country the traveller originates from maintains. Landing in to a foreign country you will sell out a particular amount of money based on your needs in order to purchase the domestic currency at a rate which is determined by the institution or the individual selling the domestic currency; in simple words they will buy your money and give you new money in the equivalent rate. What we have just described can be considered a small trade, a small practice of forex trading.
Online Forex Currency Trading.
One of the basic concepts you will have to comprehend in order to understand forex currency trading is that currency trading is always conducted in pairs as currencies are quoted in pairs themselves. A currency pair is a quote that lists one currency abbreviation as first and another currency abbreviation as second, the first abbreviation is the base currency where the second abbreviation is the counter or quote currency. You should understand that the base currency is the basis for the trade meaning that during a buying trade noted EUR/USD you have sold USD (US Dollars) and have bought EUR (Euros) at the forex rate offered during the time of the trade itself.
The determinant factors that can be behind such a trade could vary, but in general terms at their base the core idea is that as a trader at the time of the trade you felt that the USD would be weakening and therefore had decided to change the whole or part of your balance to EUR. What this means is that you have locked out of a falling currency and have locked in to a currency you speculate will rise or remain stable therefore allowing you to switch back to USD when the US Dollar is cheaper to buy based on your speculation meaning that at the end of the day you when you decide to switch back to USD your purchasing power with the same amount of EUR (Euros) will be more.
Reasoning behind a speculation for a rise or a fall of a currency predominant in a particular region can be based on endless factors which contribute their effect as a chained reaction. These factors can be based on inflation, recession, regional crisis, an ongoing war, an alarm of a possible war to come, political instability, political crisis, political scandals, fiscal mishandling and many, many more. As a speculative trader you will realize that over time you will be more and more capable to digest and comprehend daily news and understand which factor influences which currency and what changes around the world bring changes to the forex market which in reality means that you will be in the position to start generating your own forex signals.
How to Calculate Forex Trading Profits and Losses.
As the forex trading market does not have a standardized trade size and because many currency pairs are not quoted in terms of US Dollars the method for calculating profits in the forex market is a little more difficult than in many other markets.
To calculate your profit or loss all you really need to do is take that number and multiply it by the number of pips of potential profit and loss you have on the trade, and then multiply that by the number of contracts you are trading. This will give you the total potential profit and loss on the trade in US Dollars.
As an example lets say that I am trading 3 standard contracts of USD/CAD. My profit target on this trade is 100 pips and my stop loss is 50 pips away from my entry price. To get the total dollar amount of potential risk and reward on this trade, I would simply multiply the pip value of USD/CAD which as of this lesson is $9.95 by 100 which would give me $995. This is my potential profit on the trade per 1 contract. As I am trading 3 contracts I would then multiply $995 times 3 which would give me $2985 in potential profit on the trade.
To get my potential loss on the trade I would simply multiply the pip value of 9.95 by 50 which would give me a potential loss of $497.50 for each contract traded. As I am trading 3 contracts I would then multiply that $497.50 by 3 which would give me $1492.50 in potential loss on the trade.
The value of a 1 pip move in currency pairs where the US Dollar is the counter or second currency in the pair is always $10. This is because, as we have learned in earlier sections, a currency quote represents how many of the second currency in the pair it takes to buy 1 of the first currency. As we are trading contract sizes of 100,000 of the base currency a 1 pip move in 4 decimal place currency pairs is equal to .0001 * 100,000 which equals $10 in currency pairs where the USD is the second currency in the pair.
As you will also notice for currency pairs where the US Dollar is not the second currency in the pair the value of a 1 pip move in the market varies. This is because in those instances the counter currency is not the US Dollar and therefore the value of a 1 pip move has to be converted back into US Dollars at the current exchange rate.
So for example if we are trading USD/CAD and a 1 pip move in the market is equal to .0001 CAD * 100,000 which gives you 10 CAD. So, as just stated, in order to get the pip value for the USD/CAD currency pair in US Dollars you must then convert the 10 CAD back into US Dollars.
Since the calculations are done for the trader within the platform it is simply important to know that for any currency pair where the US Dollar is the second currency in the pair then the value of a 1 pip move in the market will always be $10. For any currency pair where the US Dollar is not the counter currency, the value of a 1 pip move in the forex trading market will vary depending on the exchange rate of whatever currency is the second currency in the pair and the US Dollar.
O que influencia os preços no Forex Trading?
As far as determining what influences the rates at which currencies float in forex trading once studying or practicing forex trading you will realize that prices of currencies do not fluctuate based on only one criteria as the equation adds up from a number of contributing factors including the supply and demand law, political scenarios that might be held in a particular region of the world which is ruled by a certain currency and even economic events surrounding a particular region like a predicted bankruptcy of a country, an industry problem, a war going on in a particular region and other important facts and rumors that hit the news headlines every day.
Although the pre mentioned example relates to travelers it does somehow explain a fundamental use of forex trading in every day life; transactions similar to the above are executed by millions and millions of people every day which might belong to the above group of forex traders or might be practicing currency trading for commercial reasons because they buy products from a foreign country and retail them in their local jurisdiction. What this means is that these importers will be balled to pay invoices in foreign currency; if they might be from the US and they are importing from the UK they will be called to pay their invoices in GBP which means that based on their resources and their cash flow it is wise for them to maintain reserves of GBP on hand if possible which they had traded on relatively good exchange rates in order to capitalize on their investment. The pre mentioned is just a scenario and in no case does it mean that this is a practice that can be practiced by all institutions as it might be either too expensive to perform, non profitable for taxation reasons or even more non profitable due to lower interest rated that might be provided to them when maintaining GBP.
All the above are circumstances and scenarios which a good trader, a good CEO or a good CFA will keep in mind when performing his payments and his trades in forex trading. However the worldwide currency market is utilized by each countries central bank, commercial bank, investment firms and even individual investors like people that trade with forex brokers listed on Markets247. This mass utilization is what makes the forex market the worlds most liquid and largest financial market with more $3 Trillion traded daily making any other market seem small.
As an online trader you are in reality categorized in to segment of traders called retail traders which is a group of forex traders which access the forex marketplace via markets247 as you will not be directly trading in the interbank market yourself as you trade based on the guidelines of the forex brokers presented on markets247. We act as a bridge between you and a number of global banks which the retail trader would not have sufficient funds to trade with otherwise. In difference to other major financial markets like the stock market the forex trading market operates on a 24 hour basis from 1800 Eastern Standard Time on Sunday through 1600 Eastern Standard Time on Friday. The electronic network of banks that allow forex trading start operations in Sydney then move to Tokyo before they move to Europe and close a trading day in US.
Estratégias de negociação Forex.
The rule is that there is many accepted forex trading strategies available which have during the years circulated through forex trading books, forex trading manuals and have been often been discussed at forex seminars or on forex forums, this does not imply that these strategies are fit for all traders and surely it does not imply that as a trader you should take them into full consideration when executing your trades. From our point of view each trader participating in foreign exchange through a forex broker has one main advantage and that is that he is free to perform his trades by himself with no intervention of third parties if he does not wish to bring them along. We strongly believe that forex trading is something that can be tailor made on each and every individual without that meaning that forex traders cannot be categorized cased on common characteristics.
We would advise that you do not follow any forex trading strategy that are available for sale or for free by the book as they are the sole views of the innovator or the writer and they might not be able to be comprehended correctly or they might not be able to implement as they were initially thought of from their author. The goal for you as a trader should be to be able to build up and shape your very own strategy that will allow you to maintain the flexibility to learn, improve and sustain both losses and profits without your losses being final for your trading future. Many strategies require excessive amounts of forex leverage or excessive amounts of capital to be successful and this might not be the case for you individually. We strictly advise that you talk to your account manager before engaging in any sort of forex trading strategies that may cause you to sustain a partial or sum loss of your forex trading portfolio.
Software de negociação Forex.
The term forex trading software can imply 2 different things and often traders confuse the terms when engaging in forex trading as some users refer to an actual trading platform similar to the MT4 trading platform or it might refer to software programs that enhance trading by allowing forex robot trading or provide additional assistance to the trader in executing trades.
The MT4 (Metatrader) allows the intervention on many third party made software programs and plugins which are compatible with the MQL4 network in addition to the ones provided as add on features to the Metatrader 4 offerings. These plugins are in many cases provided free of charge at the Metatrader trading community on Yahoo on forex forums or can be found for sale at third party sites which offer online trading software.
We must note that before you spend money purchasing any forex trading software you should research or talk to your account manager as the majority are heavily marketed and promise extravagant deceiving results. The plugins provided by the Metatrader 4 itself as far as we are concerned are more than enough to enhance you to trade successfully with no expenses what so ever as the trading platform is offered for free downloading.
The Metatrader (MT4) forex trading terminal which we recommend at markets247 is in full compatibility with expert advisors that will allow traders to make their trades executed automatically. As a trader you will have the ability to create custom indicators, scripts and even libraries of functions which will allow automated forex trading with the use of the MQL4 and the help of the user manual of the MT4 and the programming guide for the MT4 which you can request to be sent to you by through our customer support and will allow you to use forex trading expert advisors, indicators and scripts to help make your trading more automated.
Forex Trading Expert Advisors.
Export advisors or forex trading advisors are virtual advisors which can be programmed by the user to engage in forex automated trading on the MT4 after guidelines and settings have been set by the trader himself. Expert advisors in difference to humans will not make decisions on their own but will monitor every single price tick and will execute orders based on the settings the user has implied.
The program has the ability to track each and every currency change and open or close positions based on the limits you have set. MT4 compatible forex automated trading expert advisors have the ability to allow practice or dummy trading based on previous data as a simulator offering in sharpening your skills in both using the settings and programming your preferences.
Additionally the library of the MT4 offers a broad reach to custom indicators, scripts and libraries which the trader can use to make his trading automated and sharp. Please note that knowledge of C++ programming language can be an asset in adjusting custom indicators or scripts but is however not a prerequisite. If you wish to adjust, develop or customize a script or an available program you may request to receive a guide for programming in MQL4 algorithmic language by our support.
As far as forex robots are concerned we understand that a certain category of the forex trading community wishes to use them to trade by constantly opening and closing positions which is why cannot ban them or stop customers from using them if they wish to do so. The Metatrader allows automated forex trading and forex robots compatible to MQL4 but we do certainly advise that automated forex trading is not intended for all traders as a level of experience is needed to use the software and moreover program its functions in opening and closing positions without leading to portfolio waste. Forex robots have the ability to open and close positions in addition to other functions they perform on a 24 hour basis without the trader having to be present but they do involve risk and of course they do need to be scheduled and programmed to do what you intend them to do. Forex robot trading is not a practice we recommend to beginner traders and even if you are a experienced trader we recommend you talk to your account manager before purchasing, utilizing or testing forex robot trading with the Metatrader 4.
Forex Trading Rates.
As the word describes forex trading rates are the prices for which the global forex market has been shaped based on political, financial and supply and demand law pressures to present rates at which traders of world currencies are willing to give up a x amount of a currency for a y amount of a different currencies. The reasoning behind the pressures which determined forex trading rates can be best understood by reading through what influences forex prices and how the forex market works.
The table presented on the homepage of markets247 and in the actual online forex trading platforms which you can download for free present the bid and ask prices of major currency pairs with the bid ask spread noted. If you are wondering what the spread is you are probably a new trader and you should understand that in forex trading we explain the bid ask spread or simply noted spread to the difference in price between the highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset and the lowest price for which a seller is willing to sell it.
The size of the spread from one asset to another will differ mainly because of the difference in liquidity of each asset. In currency trading the bid-ask spread is notably the smallest on a worldwide extent as currency trading is considered the most liquid form of trading in the world and the bid-ask spread in the currency market is one of the smallest (one-hundredth of a percent).
Like many other investments, forex trading carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Forex trading requires constant monitoring and an understanding of the relationship between currencies, as well as what factors influence the currencies’ valor. If you are a retail investor considering trading in this market, you need to understand fully the market and some of its unique features.
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